Show Absolute Packet Size Bars

This operation is only available in the right-click menus of trellis displays. It toggles between showing absolute and relative package size bars, depending on if there is a ✓ mark to its left in a right-click menu.

When there is no ✓ mark:

This happens when plots are using relative packet size bars, as illustrated by the following plot:

---> images/hkf-packet-size-bar-example1-relative.png <---

The above trellis display has 24 packets of observations. The proportion of a relative packet size bar filled with gray or black is equal to the ratio of the number of observations in the corresponding packet divided by the number of observations in the biggest packet. When relative package size bars are used, at least one of all the packet size bars is filled with gray or black from top to bottom. This operation will cause these relative packet size bars to be redisplayed as absolute packet size bars, as illustrated by the following

---> images/hkf-packet-size-bar-example1-absolute.png <---

The proportion of an absolute packet size bar filled with gray or black is equal to the ratio of the number of observations in the corresponding packet divided by the total number of observations in a plot.

If the Shift key is pressed down when this operation is invoked, absolute packet size bars will be used in all plots to be drawn in the future (even in different Argos sessions) in addition to the one on which this operation is invoked.

When there is a ✓ mark:

This happens when absolute packet size bars are used in plots. This operation will make plots redisplay them as relative packet size bars.

If the Shift key is pressed down when this operation is invoked, relative packet size bars will be used in all plots to be drawn in the future (even in different Argos sessions), in addition to the one on which this operation is invoked.