Argos User Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
What is Argos?
Bug Submission
Acknowledgments and Credits
2. Using Argos
A Quick Tour
Getting Help
Context Help
Mental Model for Viewports
Using the Mouse
Understanding the Cursor Forms
Widget Names
About Menus/Dialogs
OS-Specific Notes
3. Data
Data Input
Data Output
4. Consoles
Primary Console
Temporary Console
5. Scenegraph
Right Click Menus
6. Paint Palette
7. Graphical Auditing
Turn on Auditing
Turn off Auditing
Play an Audit
Right-Click Menu over Audit Player
Save and Delete Audits
8. Workspace
9. Viewport Modes
Right Click Menu
Paint Mode
Supporting Functions
Keyboard Accelerator
Zoom Mode
Supporting Functions
Identify Mode
Supporting Functions
Data Retrieval Mode
Supporting Functions
Boxplot Mode
Supporting Functions
Parallel Coordinate Plot Mode
Supporting Functions
Trellis Display Mode
Supporting Functions
Linear Regression Mode
Supporting Functions
10. Drawing Styles
Color Drawing Style
Size Drawing Style
Shape Drawing Style
11. Visualization Tools
2D Histogram
Table Plot
Pie Chart
Parallel Coordinate Plot
Trellis Display
Makings of a Trellis Display
UI for Generating a Trellis Display
List View
12. Analytical Tools
Linear Regression
13. Housekeeping Functions
Abbreviate Categories...
Abbreviate X Categories...
Abbreviate Y Categories...
Activate Circle Antialiasing Globally
Add Linear Regression Line
Add Linear Regression Lines
Add Lowess Curve
Add Lowess Curves
Adjust Gamma...
Animate Color Distribution...
Categorize by Colors...
Draw Circles
Draw Points
Draw Rectangles
List X Tic Labels
Save as PNG Image...
Set Axis Labels...
Set Background...
Set Drawing Ranges Same as...
Set Histogram Number of Bins...
Set Screen Size Same as...
Set as Default Plot Size
Set as Default Trellis Page Size
Show Absolute Packet Size Bars
Show Orientation Indicators
Shrink to Min Drawing Ranges
Shuffle Categories...
Summarize Boxplot Trellis
Summarize Data
Switch XY
Use Log Scale
Use Original Scale
14. Preferences
List of Figures
2-1. A modal menu
2-2. A non-modal Dialog
2-3. Yet another non-modal dialog
3-1. A general matrix loading dialog when there are 100 or less columns.
3-2. A general matrix loading dialog when there are more than 100 columns.
4-1. Primary console, no data loaded yet.
4-2. Primary console, data loaded
4-3. Temporary console
5-1. Scenegraph
5-2. After invoking Hide All on "Histogram 2"
5-3. After invoking Hide on "Histogram 2"
5-4. After invoking Show All on "Histogram 2"
6-1. Floating paint palette
7-1. All nodes in the audited branch are printed in red.
7-2. Audit player
7-3. Audit player
9-1. A scatterplot with 4 modes
9-2. A right-click menu from a scatterplot in Paint mode
9-3. A right-click menu from a scatterplot in Zoom mode
9-4. Source Viewport
9-5. Geometric zooming vs. logical zooming
9-6. A viewport aimed at by two zoom lenses
9-7. Oculars
9-8. The viewport after the ocular with green objective rim was zapped
9-9. Moving objective target area
9-10. Reshaping objective target area
9-11. A dialog for selecting variables to list
9-12. A dialog showing 7 percentile statistics of a box graph
9-13. Right before the left mouse button is released
9-14. A Find Similar dialog
9-15. A Color Find Similar dialog
9-16. Find Similar in Ranges dialogs
9-17. Find in Ranges dialogs
9-18. A stretched parallel coordinate plot
9-19. Displaying PCP's in grayscale
9-20. A trellis display of sum-difference plots with 12 equal-count conditioning intervals
11-1. 2D histogram
11-2. Boxplot
11-3. Scatterplot
11-4. Table plot
11-5. Histogram
11-6. Barplot
11-7. A horizontal barplot
11-8. Pie Chart
11-9. Parallel Coordinate Plot
11-10. A stretched parallel coordinate plot
11-11. Spin: 3D point cloud rotation
11-12. A trellis display of sum-difference plots
11-14. List view
11-15. Rows ordered from top to bottom in increasing values of Nucleus Area
11-16. Rows ordered from top to bottom in decreasing values of Nucleus Area
12-1. Linear Regression
13-1. A barplot with long tic labels overlapping each others
13-2. A pie chart with some long tic labels partially displayed
13-3. A dialog for abbreviating category names
13-4. A barplot with abbreviated category names as tic labels
13-5. A pie chart with abbreviated category names as tic labels
13-6. Color distribution animator
13-7. Animating red profiles
13-8. A DNA profile plot of 19,276 cells
13-9. A list showing the mapping between integer codes and variables.
13-10. A dialog for picking a background color
13-11. Plot selection menu
13-12. A slider dialog to set number of bins in a histogram