This function is only available in the right-click menus of boxplots, barplots, trellis displays of boxplots, and trellis displays of barplots. The X variables (the variables plotted along the horizontal axis) of these 4 types of plots are categorical. By shuffling the categories of the X variable, you can reorder the corresponding icons in a plot.
After invoking this function, a dialog like the following
will pop up for you to change the ordering of the categories of the X variable. If the X variable is Observation color, a categorical variable, this function will use the colors (i.e., the unique values of Observation color in the right-clicked plot) to fill the background of level buttons. For example, this is a level shuffling dialog from a boxplot that uses Observation color as the X variable and blue, green, and red are the 3 unique X values: Properties of level shuffling dialogs are:They are modal dialogs, as indicated by the presence of a Cancel button.
Drag and drop with the left mouse button to reorder categories.
Right-click menu:
Reset restores categories to the original ordering when a level shuffling dialog is popped up initially. This menu entry will be active and not grayed out only when the level ordering in the dialog is different from the original one.
Reverse reverses the current lever ordering.
Shift Left moves all categories one place left and moves the original leftmost level to the rightmost position.
Shift Right moves all categories one place right and moves the original rightmost level to the leftmost position.
Clicking the Cancel button is equivalent to first invoking Reset from the right-click menu and then clicking the O.K. button.