Shuffle Categories...

This function is only available in the right-click menus of boxplots, barplots, trellis displays of boxplots, and trellis displays of barplots. The X variables (the variables plotted along the horizontal axis) of these 4 types of plots are categorical. By shuffling the categories of the X variable, you can reorder the corresponding icons in a plot.

After invoking this function, a dialog like the following

---> images/hkf-shuffle-categories-any.png <---

will pop up for you to change the ordering of the categories of the X variable. If the X variable is Observation color, a categorical variable, this function will use the colors (i.e., the unique values of Observation color in the right-clicked plot) to fill the background of level buttons. For example, this is a level shuffling dialog from a boxplot that uses Observation color as the X variable and blue, green, and red are the 3 unique X values:

---> images/hkf-shuffle-categories-color.png <---

Properties of level shuffling dialogs are: