Turn off Auditing

To turn off auditing, simply repeat the process for turning it on (right-click on audited root-level data set, select command Audit.) Command Audit is a toggled command; what action it takes depends on whether there is a ✓ mark to its left in a right-click menu. If a data set is not being audited, there will be no ✓ mark to the left of Audit and invoking Audit will turn on auditing. If a data is being audited, there will be a ✓ mark to the left of Audit and invoking Audit will turn off auditing. If you right-click over data set Hela in Figure 7-1, you'll get a right-click menu similar to the one below:

---> images/audit-turn-off.png <---

Immediately after Audit is turned off, Argos will pop up a dialog for you to adivise how to proceed with the newly created audit:

---> images/audit-turn-off-four-options.png <---

There are four options: