Abbreviate Categories...

This operation is only available in the right-click menus of boxplots, barplots (not horizontal barplots), and pie charts. Tic labels of these 3 types of plots visualizing a categorical variable with long category names can either overlap with each others or be displayed partially, as illustrated by the barplot in Figure 13-1 and the pie chart in Figure 13-2

Figure 13-1. A barplot with long tic labels overlapping each others

---> images/hkf-barplot-long-cat-names.png <---

Figure 13-2. A pie chart with some long tic labels partially displayed

---> images/hkf-pie-chart-long-cat-names.png <---

Under such circumstances, invoke Abbreviate Categories.... This operation will pop up a non-modal dialog like the following:

Figure 13-3. A dialog for abbreviating category names

---> images/hkf-abbreviate-cats-dialog.png <---

This dialog is attached to the scenegraph root-level data set of the plot over which this operation is invoked. It affects all plots, with the exception of horizontal barplots, under the root-level data set displaying as tic labels the category names of the categorical variable displayed in the dialog. For each categorical variable, each root-level data set can have at most one such dialog attached to it at any time. For example, the following is the scenegraph containing the barplot in Figure 13-1, the pie chart in Figure 13-2, and the dialog in Figure 13-3:

---> images/hkf-abbreviate-cats-scenegraph.png <---

Changing the slider's value to 12 will make the plots in Figure 13-1 and Figure 13-2 look like the ones in Figure 13-4 and Figure 13-5.

Figure 13-4. A barplot with abbreviated category names as tic labels

---> images/hkf-barplot-short-cat-names.png <---

Figure 13-5. A pie chart with abbreviated category names as tic labels

---> images/hkf-pie-chart-short-cat-names.png <---

We would like to emphasize it is the tic labels, within a plot, of a categorical variable with long category names that are affected by this operation. If we were to put the barplot in Figure 13-4 into the identify mode and left click its right-most bar, we would get the following [1]:

---> images/hkf-abbreviate-cats-identify.png <---

Notice that the full category names, "Puget Sound Educational Service District 121", are printed in the ESD column.



Color white is used as the observation color for all plots in this section. The background color of this list view is intentionally set to black so that the white observations can be visible.