Set Background...

It's very difficult to choose a background color that goes well with all observation colors. Take the following 4 plots as examples.

Panel A Panel B
Panel C Panel D


---> images/hkf-set-bg-yellow-white.png <---
---> images/hkf-set-bg-yellow-blue.png <---
---> images/hkf-set-bg-cyan-light-gray.png <---
---> images/hkf-set-bg-cyan-dark-gray.png <---

Panel A is a plot of yellow observations on a white background [1]. This yellow/white combination is hard on eyes. Using a bluish background makes yellow observations stand out prominently, as illustrated in Panel B. The cyan/light gray combination in Panel C is not as good as the cyan/dark gray combination in Panel D.

Recognizing this difficulty, Argos provides this Set Background... utility operation for you to pick a background color quickly and easily. This operation pops up a dialog like the one in Figure 13-10.

Figure 13-10. A dialog for picking a background color

---> images/hkf-set-bg-dialog.png <---

Properties of the Set Background... dialog are:

Any X-rayed plots (such as Figure 9-19) do not have Set Background... in their right-click menus. The background color of an X-rayed plot is always black.



To be precise, its red, green, and blue components are all 0.96. Pure white has 1.0 as its R, G, and B components.


A target plot is defined to be the plot from which this operation is invoked.


We strongly recommend you only do so if you are using a UNIX-based system.