Save as PNG Image...

This function saves whatever is drawn in the drawing area of a plot as a PNG image. It first pops up a file dialog for you to specify a file name for the to-be-generated PNG image. The .png file extension is optional in the specified file name. If the specified file name does not have the .png file extension, Argos will append one. If the specified file name has a file extension other than .png, Argos will remove it and append .png to the end [1].

To find out the exact area of the drawing area of a plot, invoke Set Background... and adjust any one of the sliders a bit. The area that changes colors is the drawing area of the plot.



A couple of examples. If the specified file name is great.image, the generated PNG image will be named great.png. If the specified file name is, the generated PNG image will be named great.image.png.