Use Log Scale

When the following plots are displaying data on the original scale:

scatterplots parallel coordinate plots boxplots  
3D point cloud spinning histograms 2D histograms  

this function will be in their right-click menus. It generates a new plot of the same type as the one on which it is invoked. The positive data in the original plot are drawn on a log base 2 scale in the new plot.

It is only active and not grayed out in a right-click menu when the variable or variables being displayed have positive values in a plot. It is these positive values that are going to be redrawn on a log base 2 scale. The following sequence of figures demonstrates this point.

Panel A Panel B Panel C Panel D


---> images/hkf-use-log-scale-seq-0.png <---
---> images/hkf-use-log-scale-seq-1.png <---
---> images/hkf-use-log-scale-seq-2.png <---
---> images/hkf-use-log-scale-seq-3.png <---

Panel A is a scatterplot. Applying Use Log Scale to Panel A to get the scatterplot in Panel B. Making all data in Panel B red [1] to get Panel C. Now the scatterplot in Panel A becomes the scatterplot in Panel D with all first-quadrant points painted red.



This can be achieved in many ways. We suggest the following:

  • Paint with a red paint brush.

  • Put Panel A in mode, invoke Retrieve Displayed Data in the right-click menu, and click the Color button in the ensuing temporary console.